Frequently asked questions about solar panel installation
How long has Stellar Solar been in business?

Stellar Solar has been headquartered and in business in Texas since 1998.

Does Stellar Solar offer a Production Guarantee?

Stellar Solar offers the best Production Guarantee in the industry on top of the best system warranties available for solar installations.

What type of inverter does Stellar Solar install?

We exclusively install Enphase micro inverters, which provide the most benefits, efficiency and flexibility to homeowners.

How are solar service claims handled?

Affordable Solar has an in-house service team and handles all issues in a timely manner.

How many Residential Solar Installations has Stellar Solar completed in Texas?

We’ve installed thousands of residential solar systems in Texas.

Does Stellar Solar perform their own solar installations or is the work sold/contracted to a partner?

Stellar Solar does all of our own solar installations with our in-house install crews to ensure a smooth project timeline and installation.

We plan to get an electric vehicle (EV) in the next few years. Should we plan for that now?

Each case should be looked at differently and a lot will be changing in the coming years. Our take is that if the electric vehicle (EV) is not on order then you might end up paying for a lot more solar than you need at the moment.


Is it true that we can get a check back from the utility when we overproduce from our solar installation?

We get this question quite often. Most utilities offer a very attractive Net Metering program where you are allowed to ‘bank’ extra solar production – as opposed to receiving a check for it.


What solar panels should I choose?

Stellar Solar has partnerships with solar panel manufacturers that have run longer than a lot of solar companies have been in business. Having a solar panel company that you can count on being around for the long haul to honor warranty claims is one of the most important factors in deciding on a solar panel.


What separates Stellar Solar from other solar companies in Texas?

Our service and warranties. We are Local, Reliable and Trusted. No one has sold and installed more solar in the state of Texas


How long does a typical residential solar installation project take?

A typical residential solar installation, depending on the size of the system will take 2-4 days in most cases.


Does installing solar panels on my home increase my home value?

This is a rapidly changing aspect of solar. Each case should be looked at individually. You can read more info on how residential solar installations can affect your home value on our blog.